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Satipatthana Sutta Study

Body and Body Parts

Dharma Contemplation

Sit silently before doing your Satipatthana practice.
Settle into the body, just breathe for a while, easing into the moment

Read the passage slowly and mindfully, letting the words seep into your mind and body as you start your sitting.

Then read again, listening to this audio file as you read. -

During the day stay with the words that resonate for you.

Satipatthana Sutta Study - © 2005 Mary Rees
Sutta text modified from translation by Analayo*
Dharma Contemplation inspired by Greg Kramer Contemplative Practice and Lectio Divino

*Modifications of translation in small segments with permission by Analayo for practice purposes. Please see his original translation and excellent commentary: Satipatthana : The Direct Path to Realization. Birmingham, UK: Windhorse Publications, 2003.